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The Pressure to be Perfect

Hi Friend!

This has been something thats been on my mind for a while. I wanted to talk about the pressure to be perfect. We've all felt that way. I my self am a perfectionist and that's something I have to actively work at. There is so much pressure on college students to know exactly what they want to and to be perfect at whatever it is they are doing. If you don't know what you want to do with your degree or if you haven't found your passion yet, it's okay. You are not always supposed to have all the answers. God didn't intend for you to be perfect. God intended for you to be you. He created you to make mistakes because if you didn't, then you wouldn't be a human, you would be a robot. Perfectionism can happen in many ways. Whether you want to be the prettiest girl, smartest girl, most organized, or the best athlete we have all wanted to be "perfect" in some way. Women, often compare themselves to other people. We are our own worst critic. I am just as guilty as you. I've definitely looked at someone and thought "wow, I wish I was as perfect as her." Really, we are only seeing one aspect of that girl's life. Maybe you think she has perfect hair but what you don't know is that she's struggling in her classes or is in an abusive relationship. But you still look at her and say "she's perfect." She has things going on in her life that you don't even know about and she might even think you're the "perfect" one. Personally, I don't even think the word "perfect" should exist. We use it in the wrong ways. "Perfect" means something different for everyone. So why even use that word. Instead of using it to describe someone else why don't you look in the mirror and say "God made me exactly the way he wanted me, perfectly imperfect." If we were all the perfect person that we wanted to be, with no flaws, life would be pretty boring. In God's eyes we are all different and to him we are perfect even when we make mistakes. God is the only one that should be allowed to use the word "perfect." God made you perfect in his eyes and the annoying things you don't like about yourself, he thinks are perfect. God doesn't make mistakes. Stop beating yourself up, because no matter how hard you try none of us will ever be the "perfect" we want to be. Make it a goal this week to take the word perfect out of your vocabulary. Perfect should not be an adjective to describe someone including yourself.


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